Spring is here, and as always, the aim of Chinese Medicine is to harmonize our inner and outer environments. The seasonal energy of Spring is all about upward and outward movement. It’s time to do more activity, to get your energy to move up and out after the inward tendency of Winter. Now is when our yang energy buds and sprouts to meet the sun, just like the plants.
Protect Your Yang Qi in Spring with Chinese Medicine
But some heed should also be taken. You may want to burst out of the dark and gloom of winter, but be careful. Energies begin to stir now, this is very different from a burst (which will happen, but wait for Summer!). Our active yang energy is still young and vulnerable. It needs protection from the lingering cold and especially the wind of Spring. It’s very easy to become too exposed right now, and in effect cause stagnation in our systems, and make the transition to Spring difficult.
It’s not quite time for tank tops and shorts. Keep yourself protected from the wind right now, especially your neck, low back and knees.
Spring Allergies and Acupuncture
Wind is the seasonal allergy culprit according to Asian Medicine. The red itchy eyes, itchy runny nose, and persistent sneezes can all be treated very well with herbs and acupuncture. From the Eastern perspective, wind has overpowered your immune system, gotten through your skin and has assaulted the lungs. Lung qi can no longer move downward in it’s healthy direction. Herbs and acupuncture work to restore this downward movement of the lungs, and boost your immunity so it isn’t overpowered by external factors.
Before you reach for the steroids and over-the-counter medications this season, give Chinese medicine a try. Your entire system will thank you.
More Tips for Spring Health According to Chinese Medicine
Spring is the time to start eating the new greens and shoots that are coming up. Asparagus, artichokes and baby greens are great right now. Green is the color of spring, and the Liver is the organ most active in spring, moving and regulating the qi in the whole body. It’s time to nurture the Liver with green foods and maybe spend a month or so without alcohol or sugar, which bogs it down. When our Liver is healthy and vibrant, our ability to plan, set goals and . All good actions to take in the Spring time.