Every week it seems I get a new patient presenting with sciatica. The severity varies from burning in their glutes to sharp, shooting pain down their leg, making walking very difficult. But just sitting makes it even worse. Fortunately, acupuncture for sciatica works very well. There are many strategies for it in Chinese medicine, just…
Acupuncture Treats Your Smartphone Thumb Pain
Our poor poor thumbs. That digit that differentiates us as humans is taking the brunt of our obsession with screens. Do your thumbs hurt? How many times are you swiping with your thumb per day? Repetitive strain is real, and chances are your smartphones, screens and keyboards aren’t going anywhere soon. Fortunately, acupuncture is a…
Acupuncture for Low Back Pain, Part 1: SI Joint Injury
Many studies have been done that show how good acupuncture is for low back pain. But there are many different reasons for low back pain, and often people don’t know the SI joint can be the cause of their problems. If only the back is treated, and pain doesn’t subside, perhaps the sacro-iliac joint needs…
Acupuncture for Knee Pain, Even an Old Injury
Right off the bat…yes. Yes, acupuncture can treat an old knee injury. Ordinarily the newer the injury, the better acupuncture can treat it. But sometimes (often times) the wonder of Chinese Medicine will surprise me. Acupuncture for a 27 Year Old Knee Injury Let me tell you about one of my patients, Sally. Sally had…
Is Acupuncture Good for Shoulder Pain?
To answer this question, I’m going to tell you the story of “Ted”. (Correct, not his real name. And spoiler alert, yes, acupuncture works very well for shoulder pain.) Ted came to me because he had injured his shoulder in a skiing accident three months prior. An MRI revealed he had rotator cuff tendinitis, and…