Yes! This is the best sleep you are going to get. If your conscious mind and all it’s thoughts and worries and plans are out of the way, your body can work much more efficiently to reestablish a natural healthy state.
What should I do after the treatment?
It’s best to not overexert after getting acupuncture, as in going to the gym and working up a big sweat. It’s also best to stay warm, and not eat cold or raw foods after acupuncture. Taking a gentle walk, drinking some warm tea is nice after a treatment. But otherwise, continuing regular activities or going…
How many treatments do I need?
This is very dependent on the condition and the individual, but I usually like to start with 6 to 8 treatments as a baseline. For very acute problems, where treatment is started right away, 3-5 treatments over 2-3 weeks may be all we need. For long term and chronic issues, a good guideline is a…
Will my insurance cover this?
It may, many of my patients are using their insurance to pay for treatment. I accept most insurances that cover acupuncture, and are “PPO”s. This includes many Covered California plans as well. We will check your benefits to see whether your insurance covers you for acupuncture treatments. Click here to fill out a short form.
How many needles will you use in my acupuncture treatment?
This will depend on your individual condition. I may use as few as 3 needles, and occasionally use as many as 20, though that is usually the upper limit.